TCS Theater Class performed “A Scandal in Bohemia,” on Thursday, May 11, 2023. This production was based on Arthur Conan Doyle first short story featuring Sherlock Holmes and was adapted by our own Mrs. Culler. The All Purpose Room was packed with audience members who...
Thursday, Apr 28, 2023, was a sensational night at TCS! Our Spring Arts Festival was filled with amazing student art from all genres. Ms. Schwind’s art classes transformed TCS into an artistic wonderland. Mrs. Fredericks’ multimedia and 3D printing classes along with...
What would December be at TCS without our annual Shakespeare Festival? This year’s production was “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” All students in the school participate in this annual event. Students worked on props with the Ms. Schwind, lights...
On Friday, October 14, 2022, the students and staff had a wonderful time taking a hayride from TCS to Pete’s Produce Farm just down the road at 1225 East Street Road. We had a tour of the farm by Stephen Griffith and he taught us about the produce grown there and how...
This Saturday, October 15th, was The Concept School’s 50th Anniversary event. Over 130 people attended, including past graduates from a variety of years. Everyone had a great time, and it was fun going down memory lane. TCS Memories Slideshow...
TCS’s 20th Annual TCS Golf Outing fundraiser was held on Tuesday, September 13, 2021. Our annual fundraiser was held at the beautiful Glen Mills Golf Course in Glen Mills, PA. The weather was gorgeous—it was a beautiful sunny day. All TCS staff participated by helping...