We have a bee hive at TCS! Ms. Riggio secured a grant for us to have a beehive on campus. This was supposed to be installed last year, but it couldn’t happen due to Covid-19. The students watch outside from the back of the building while they installed the hive in Mr....
On Thursday, June 10, 2021, The Concept School celebrated its graduating class of 2021. Even though masks were still required, our families and school community were able to gather together to honor these students, and be witness to the presentation of their...
Last Friday, the entire TCS student body and staff travelled to the Brandywine River Museum of Art for their special exhibition “Votes For Women: A Visual History”. This inspirational and educational exhibit showcased photographs, memorabilia and clothing...
Parent Denise Glennon (mother of Sophie Haubold) approached Bill and The Board of Directors with an offer to research potential grant opportunities and apply for appropriate ones. We agreed, of course, and Denise began working hard to identify possible funding...