TCS Concert!
The TCS music program had their first performance since before the pandemic this past wednesday! Driven by student interest Mr. Paul Giess decided it was time to showcase the students talents. The drum class, Henry and Daniel, opened up the performance with two short...
Automotive Training Center Assembly
We had an awesome assembly with Mr. Mark Shouldis from the Automotive Training Center on Jan 8, 2025! Mr. Shouldis had students figure out their learning style, and talked about hands-on learning and the importance of learning potential. He specifically pointed out...
Shakespeare Festival 2024
This year’s annual Shakespeare Festival was amazing! Led by Mrs Griffith and Mrs Wright with their Theater Class we saw Shakespeare come to life! This year was a mixture of the favorite scenes from different Shakespeare plays. Every student in the school had a part in...
Thanksgiving 2024
On Tuesday, November 26, 2024, TCS celebrated Thanksgiving! We watched LeSabien and Sam inducted into the National Honor Society, then did an all school Thanksgiving activity. Each of us wrote on a strip of construction paper what we were thankful for this year. Then...
National Honor Society Ceremony
On Tuesday, November 26, 2024, TCS inducted two students, LeSabien Brown and Sam Mandell, into the Mark Tucker Memorial Branch of the National Honor Society. LeSabien and Sam would have been inducted last Spring, however, they were both competing in the National...
Geography Awareness Week Assembly
Mr. Jim Higgins from ESRI talked with us about Geography and Geography Awareness Week. We learned about the importance of Geography, GIS (Geographical Information Systems), and Maps. Maps tell stories about everything! Geography is the science of our world. Maps help...
Veterans Day 2024
Veterans Day was celebrated this year with a presentation by Dr. Eric Woodworth, who is the father of Mrs. Daniels and grandfather of Kaitlyn Daniels. Dr. Woodworth was an Air Force officer stationed in South Dakota as a Missile Launch Officer. His job would have been...
Halloween 2024
Halloween is always a fun day at TCS. Many of our students dressed in costumes. It’s always fun to see students still being kids! Our day started with the play, “The Monkey's Paw” based on the short story by W. W. Jacobs, presented by our Theater class. It was a...
The DO MORE CLUB Presentation
TCS students have been reading the book, THE DO MORE CLUB, by Dana Kramaroff. The author gave a presentation to our students about the background of the book including where she found the idea for the book and the characters in the book. Her characters were based on...
Philadelphia Mural Trip
On October 21, 2024, TCS students and faculty enjoyed an educational and awe inspiring trip to see the Murals in Philadelphia. Students learned that the original goal of the program was to combat the spread of graffiti and to redirect street artists from ad hoc...
Bee Presentation
Mark Meaders, our beekeeper, gave a inspiring presentation about bees. He spoke about our bees and what was going on, the history of beekeeping including Ancient Egyptian Beekeeping, traditional beehives, bee facts, the types of bees and more. He talked about the...
TCS Annual Golf Outing Fundraiser
This year’s golf outing fundraiser was on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at The Golf Course at Glen Mills in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania. This is the major fundraiser for our school which helps keep tuition costs as low as possible. TCS would like to thank Herman Goldner...