Bee Hive at TCS!
We have a bee hive at TCS! Ms. Riggio secured a grant for us to have a beehive on campus. This was supposed to be installed last year, but it couldn’t happen due to Covid-19. The students watch outside from the back of the building while they installed the hive in Mr....
Back to In-Person School
We’re back in school in-person! It’s so wonderful to see the students in person, again! The students were greeted with a Welcome Back sign and decorations. Every teacher made a heart with a positive personality trait for each of his/her students, and decorated their...
TCS’s Annual Golf Outing Covid-19 Style
TCS’s 18th Annual TCS Golf Outing fundraiser, which is normally held in May, was held on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 due to Covid-19. The event was held at the Glen Mills Golf Course in Glen Mills, PA. We needed to make some adjustments to the Golf Outing, of course!...
Summer Reading Information
It's that time again! Summer Reading information below... just click! Summer Reading 2021
TCS Graduation 2021!
On Thursday, June 10, 2021, The Concept School celebrated its graduating class of 2021. Even though masks were still required, our families and school community were able to gather together to honor these students, and be witness to the presentation of their...
Women’s Suffrage
Last Friday, the entire TCS student body and staff travelled to the Brandywine River Museum of Art for their special exhibition "Votes For Women: A Visual History". This inspirational and educational exhibit showcased photographs, memorabilia and clothing from the...
Grants Awarded to TCS!
Parent Denise Glennon (mother of Sophie Haubold) approached Bill and The Board of Directors with an offer to research potential grant opportunities and apply for appropriate ones. We agreed, of course, and Denise began working hard to identify possible funding...
Mural Arts Program Tour
On Jan. 3rd, the entire school went on a guided Mural Arts Philadelphia Mural Arts Program tour. We had a wonderful day viewing gorgeous murals while exploring the city! After our guided bus and walking tour, we all enjoyed lunch at the newly renovated "The Bourse"....
Shakespeare Festival 2019
TCS had another wonderful Shakespeare Festival this year with our rendition of "Taming of the Shrew". Students and teachers spent the last two weeks before break tirelessly preparing for this entertaining and thought-provoking performance. The script was written,...
Shakespeare Assembly
TCS was entertained on December 5th by Theater majors from DeSales University, who performed scenes from Shakespeare for us. Some of the plays were familiar to the students who have been at TCS, as we performed them during our Shakespeare week in prior years. Examples...
Officer Andrew Clauhs
Officer Andrew Clauhs, a TCS graduate, talked with our students at an assembly on Monday, December 3, 2019. Officer Clauhs explained to the students that he had been at many schools before finding TCS. When he graduated he did not know what he wanted to do until he...
Thanksgiving Feast
On Tuesday, November 26, TCS had our annual Thanksgiving Feast. The food was prepared and served by our wonderful parents, and it was delicious, to say the least! Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, carrots, and cheese puffs were some of the incredible food that we...